How To Use Mini-Combs

Filling the comb
Lash locks of wool onto the tines of one comb. Flip
the locks so that the butt ends catch the tines. Fill
the whole width of the comb with two rows of
Comb gently, by entering the tips of the locks with
the tines of the empty comb. Swing the moving comb from
the left to the right, so that the wool flips back over
the head of the comb, where it won't tangle on
subsequent strokes.
No preliminary teasing is required, unless the wool
is badly matted.
Notice that all the wool is being transferred to the
moving comb. Most of it will fluff out, but some will
still be clumped together at this stage. When you have
finished the first pass, the stationary comb only holds
cuts and trash, which should be removed.
Second pass
Now switch the combs. The filled comb becomes the
stationary and the empty comb becomes the moving one in
your right hand.
Before proceeding, use the tips of the empty comb's
tines to pull the wool away from the head of the loaded
comb. When the wool is partway up the tines, you won't
jam against the head and combing goes easier.
As before, the shorter fibers will remain on
the stationary comb, while the longer fibers transfer to
the moving comb.
Make some more combing passes till the wool is smooth
and aligned to make a sliver.
Making a sliver
Gently stroke the wool to a point. Pinch the end and
pull the wool from the comb. You also can spin straight
off the comb by drawing the fibers from the loaded comb. - Louet